Tutorial |
Topic |
Whiffle Ball (Part Module) |
Level |
Beginner |
Time to complete |
Authors |
r-frank |
FreeCAD version |
0.16.6703 |
Example files |
[1] Whiffle Ball |
See also |
None |
Acest tutorial este aici pentru a vă învăța cum se folosește Atelierul Part Workbench. Veți exersa:
This tutorial was originally written by Roland Frank (†2017, r-frank), and it was rewritten and illustrated by vocx.
This tutorial is here to teach you how to use the Part Workbench.
The Part Workbench was the first workbench developed. It provides the basic geometrical elements that can be used as building blocks for other workbenches. The Part Workbench is meant to be used in a traditional constructive solid geometry (CSG) workflow. For a more modern workflow using sketches, pads, and features, use the PartDesign Workbench.
You will practice:
Final model of the wiffle ball
Tip: Dacă ați selectat ceva greșit sau doriți doar să eliminați rapid totul,
doar faceți clic pe (OpenInventor Navigation-Style: CTRL-Click),
2. Insert a primitive cube by clicking on Box.
in the tree view.90 mm
.90 mm
.90 mm
.3. In the Data tab of the property editor, click on the Placement value so the ellipsis button ... appears on the right.
-45 mm
.-45 mm
.-45 mm
.4. Repeat the process, inserting a second, smaller cube by clicking on Box.
in the tree view, and change the dimensions and placement like with the previous object.80 mm
.80 mm
.80 mm
.-40 mm
.-40 mm
.-40 mm
.5. The previous operations create a smaller cube inside a bigger cube. To visualize this, we can modify the View properties in the property editor.
, the smaller cube, in the tree view, and change the color. In the View tab, click on the Shape Color value to open the Select color dialog, then choose a green color; also change the value of Line Width to 2.0
, the larger cube, in the tree view. In the View tab, change the value of Transparency to 70
.Solid cube inside another solid cube
6. Insert a primitive cylinder by clicking on Cylinder.
in the tree view.27.5 mm
.120 mm
.-60 mm
.7. Repeat the process, inserting a second cylinder by clicking on Cylinder.
in the tree view, and change the dimensions and placement like with the previous object.27.5 mm
.120 mm
.60 mm
.Rotation axis with angle
; Axis to X
(by setting the X
, Y
and Z
values of the axis inputboxes to 1
, 0
and 0
respectively), and Angle to 90 deg
.8. Insert another cylinder. This time create a duplicate so that the radius and height don't have to be changed, only its placement.
in the tree view, and go to the menu Edit → Duplicate selection. This will create Cylinder002
.-60 mm
, and change Y back to 0 mm
.Rotation axis with angle
; Axis to Y
, and Angle to 90 deg
.9. The previous operations create three cylinders that intersect with each other, and also intersect the cubes. To visualize this better we can modify the View properties in the property editor.
, the smaller cube, in the tree view, and change the transparency. In the View tab, change the value of Transparency to 70
, in the View tab, click on the Shape Color value to open the Select color dialog, then choose a red color.Cylinder001
, in the View tab, click on the Shape Color value to open the Select color dialog, then choose a blue color.Cylinder002
, in the View tab, click on the Shape Color value to open the Select color dialog, then choose a pink color.2.0
.Solid cylinders that intersect themselves and the solid cubes.
10. In the tree view, select Cube001
(the inner, smaller cube), and the tree cylinders, then press Fuse. This will create a Fusion
11. Then perform a boolean cut of the Cube
(larger cube) and the new Fusion
first, and then Fusion
object, go to the View tab, click on the Shape Color value to open the Select color dialog, then choose a gray color; also change the value of Line Width to 2.0
.Hollow shape produced from cutting a cube and three cylinders from a bigger cube.
Now we'll create more cubes that will be used as cutting tools to trim the corners of the previously obtained Cut
12. Click on Box.
in the tree view, and change the dimensions and placement.140 mm
.112 mm
.112 mm
.-70 mm
.-56 mm
.-56 mm
.13. Click on Box.
in the tree view, and change the dimensions and placement.180 mm
.180 mm
.180 mm
.-90 mm
.-90 mm
.-90 mm
.We'll duplicate the previous two objects again to use once more as cutting objects.
14. Select only Cube002
in the tree view, and go to Edit → Duplicate selection. This will create Cube004
15. Select only Cube003
in the tree view, and go to Edit → Duplicate selection. This will create Cube005
16. To visualize this better we can modify the View properties in the property editor.
object, in the View tab, click on the Shape Color value to open the Select color dialog, then choose a blue color.Cube002
, Cube003
, Cube004
, and Cube005
, in the View tab, change the value of Transparency to 80
.Additional external cubes that will be used as cutting objects for the internal solid.
17. In the tree view select Cube002
and Cube003
Rotation axis with angle
; Axis to X
, and Angle to 45 deg
, then click on Apply. This will apply a rotation around the X-axis, and will reset the Angle field to zero.Z
, and Angle to 45 deg
, then click on Apply. This will apply a rotation around the local Z-axis, and will reset the Angle field to zero.18. In the tree view de-select the objects; then select Cube003
first, the bigger cube, and then Cube002
, the smaller cube.
. This is a hollowed body which intersects the initial Cut
only at certain corners.19. To visualize this better we can modify the View properties in the property editor.
and Cube005
, in the View tab, then change the value of Visibility to false
, or press Space in the keyboard.Cut001
, click on the Shape Color value to open the Select color dialog, then choose a red color; also change the value of Transparency to 90
.A rotated, hollowed solid, which will be used as a cutting object for some corners of the internal solid.
Dacă totul a mers bine, modelul dvs. ar trebui să arate astfel:
20. In the tree view select Cut001
, in the View tab, change the value of Visibility to false
, or press Space in the keyboard.
21. In the tree view select Cube004
and Cube005
, in the View tab, change the value of Visibility to true
, or press Space in the keyboard.
Rotation axis with angle
; Axis to X
, and Angle to 45 deg
, then click on Apply. This will apply a rotation around the X-axis, and will reset the Angle
field to zero.Z
, and Angle to -45 deg
, then click on Apply. This will apply a rotation around the local Z-axis, and will reset the Angle field to zero.22. In the tree view de-select the objects; then select Cube005
first, the bigger cube, and then Cube004
, the smaller cube.
. This is a hollowed body which intersects the initial Cut
only at certain corners.23. To visualize this better we can modify the View properties in the property editor.
, click on the Shape Color value to open the Select color dialog, then choose a pink color; also change the value of Transparency to 90
.A rotated, hollowed solid, which will be used as a cutting object for some corners of the internal solid.
Felicitări! Tocmai ați terminat cu succes acest tutorial!
24. Make sure all objects are visible. In the tree view select all objects, in the View tab, change the value of Visibility to true
, or press Space in the keyboard.
The internal hollowed solid, together with the external objects which will be used to cut it.
25. In the tree view de-select the objects; then select Cut
first, and then Cut001
.The internal hollowed solid, cut by Cut001
26. In the tree view de-select the objects; then select Cut003
first, and then Cut002
. This is the final object.Cut004
, click on the Shape Color value to open the Select color dialog, then choose a green color; also change the value of Line Width to 2.0
.The internal hollowed solid, cut by Cut001
and Cut002
. Final model.
27. Real objects don't have perfectly sharp edges or corners, so applying a fillet to the edges can be done to refine the model.
then press Fillet.Constant radius
, then set Radius to 1 mm
.Final whiffle ball model with fillets applied to the edges.